Small dark apartment. Smaller cramped kitchen. So many stories up. The others mill about with mugs in hand, gather around the tubular-legged formica table. Dressed in pale, loose-fitting clothes, they shuffle like sleepwalkers.
The kitchen’s single window – large, wide, with neither curtains nor panes – stares unblinking, westward, out over a great ravine, toward a ragged bluff on the opposite side. A long, low structure defines the bluff’s subtle shifts in elevation. The structure’s white walls are incomplete in places; it lacks a roof. Slowly, the sun sets, illuminates walls and rooflines in relief. The underbellies of great, dark clouds strung overhead catch fire.
Beyond the building – there, in the fathomable distance – stomps a tyrannosaurus rex. Enormous in size and ferocity and appetite, it tears through the low, roofless building, pulls off great chunks of cinder block, plucks out terrified people…gnashes bodies with its foot-long serrated teeth.
Don’t look…don’t notice…don’t acknowledge the awful danger. Don’t allow the thoughts to twist and form and grow… Don’t look here…Don’t notice us…Don’t hurt us…
Too late.
The fear, like a siren song, trembles upon the still air. The creature turns, glares across the ravine’s expanse, leaps it in a single pump of its powerful hind legs. With a thunderous t h u m p, it lands atop the building several stories up.
Tearing teeth. Sundering claws. The creature pulls apart the upper floors. The ceiling trembles, cracks, lets loose a drift of plaster dust. Formerly a drowsy environment, the kitchen erupts in frantic cries, dropped mugs, and calamity.
The monster digs its way down and down and inevitably down.
— C.Birde, 10/18
The descriptions are beautiful and vivid! If you don’t mind me asking: what was the inspiration? Was it just the thought of a dinosaur?
Thank you, kindly 🙂 I am never entirely certain where these dreams come from…and I haven’t worked with this one yet to “interpret” its message, but I think it hints at my feeling (in waking life) overly responsible for the actions and/or inactions of others. A stress dream via dinosaur! 😉
Ah I’ve seen my mistake: I did not read the tags carefully enough. A dream! -_-
I do know that feeling of responsibility for others though, but to the point where that concern is not beneficial to them.
Yes — that’s the crux of it…the over-reaching sense of responsibility, spilling past the benefit to self or others. Dreams…the subconscious mind’s attempt to solve problems or, at the very least, bring them to the conscious mind’s attention! 🙂
This is exactly how a nightmare should be written. I was thinking of writing about the long overdue driving licence I have to get… absolute nightmare. This is quite an inspiration. My very own T-rex… paperwork and ques…
Thank you, kindly 🙂 “Nightmares” come in all shapes and forms and sizes, don’t they! I wish you well battling your paperwork and queues! 😉
They sure do… The worst/best is when you wake up screaming with the wall right in front of your face. The scream hits you with all the force of the nightmare.